Note: Use the DebugBar only in development. Do not use Debugbar on publicly accessible websites, as it will leak information from stored requests (by design). It can also slow the application down (because it has to gather data). So when experiencing slowness, try disabling some of the collectors.
This package includes some custom collectors:
- QueryCollector: Show all queries, including binding + timing
- RouteCollector: Show information about the current Route.
- ViewCollector: Show the currently loaded views. (Optionally: display the shared data)
- EventsCollector: Show all events
- LaravelCollector: Show the Laravel version and Environment. (disabled by default)
- SymfonyRequestCollector: replaces the RequestCollector with more information about the request/response
- LogsCollector: Show the latest log entries from the storage logs. (disabled by default)
- FilesCollector: Show the files that are included/required by PHP. (disabled by default)
- ConfigCollector: Display the values from the config files. (disabled by default)
- CacheCollector: Display all cache events. (disabled by default)
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